As a full-stack web developer based in Noida, Uttar-Pradesh, India, I have completed my graduation in B.COM (Bachelor of Commerce ) programme from Maitreyi college University of Delhi . As a full-stack developer with specialization in MERN stack with a passion for learning and doing something meaningful with my learning, having Hands-on experience in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React and Redux.
Sephora is a French multinational retailer of personal care and beauty products. Sephora offers beauty products including cosmetics, skincare, body, fragrance, nail color, beauty tools, body lotions and haircare
LET IT BEE.COM is an e-commerce website for best quality natural Honey Enriched with multiple Health benefits and antioxidents which helps our body cells to protect from stress and diseases and maintain good physique
Our project is based on an e-commerce website. We have added functionality like registration and login. We have used local-storage for Store data.